Yes, the moment you have all been dreading. Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson are reportedly close to engagement. Sources close to DallasDedicated have confirmed that Romo is ready to propose very soon...the only thing holding him back is the money for the ring (That's a joke, because he makes a lot of money, get it?). A few thoughts about the impending nuptials:
--Jessica Romo doesn't even sound good. That clearly means divorce within two years.
--Will Jessica be able to teach Tony how to hold on to the football?
--Is Tony marrying Jessica or her father? I'm confused on that part.
--The couples honeymoon...I'm going to guess Cabo, for irony's sake.
--What kind of kid does this pair make? A super athletic one who can't play in college because of his SATs.
--Will Romo be able to go home after a game and try and talk to her about it without becoming frustrated? I see it going something like this:
Tony: "I can't believe i threw that pick, I should have noticed the extra safety."
Jessica: "Extra safety? Was there a terrorist threat at the game?!"
Tony: "You're lucky you have a nice body."
Hopefully this will only improve Romo's performance. Great men always have a nice wife at home: Martin Luther and Corretta Scott King, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, Brett and Deanna Favre and so on...
The biggest question, however, is what ring Romo desires the most: Wedding or Super Bowl?
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